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Renesas Electronics America

Renesas Electronics America

- Renesas Electronics America designs and manufactures solutions for semiconductor integration for automotive, mobile and PC / AV markets. Di 1ê îlonê 2003ê de, wekî peymana hevpar a Hitachi, Ltd. û Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, û li Tokyo, Japonya, Renesas li ser cîhanê ye û li seranserî cîhanê ya cîhanê ya cîhanê ya microcontroller ya herî mezin a cîhanê ye. Ji bilî microcontrollerên din, Renesas cîhazên li ser-chip pêşkêş dikin, karta IC-ê, hilberên hûrgelan, bîranînên hişk, SRAM û bêtir pêşkêş dikin.

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Category Category

Circuits Integrated (ICs)(19,070 products)
ICs-specialized(18,701 products)
PMIC - Regulatorên Voltage - Ji Armanca Taybet(4 products)
PMIC - Supervisor(2 products)
PMIC - Dabeşkirina Power Distribution Switches, Lo(3 products)
PMIC - PFC (Reformasyona Faktorê)(2 products)
Bîr(19 products)
Linear - Comparators(2 products)
Linear - Amplifiers - Instrumentation, OP Amps, Bu(8 products)
Interface - Controllers(8 products)
Embedded - Microprocessors(2 products)
Embedded - Microcontrollers(318 products)
Danûstandina Daxistinê - Dîjîtal to Analog Convert(1 products)
Berhemên Semiconductor Disc Discrete(156 products)
Transîstors - IGBT - Single(3 products)
Transîstors - FETs, MOSFET - Single(142 products)
Transîstors - FETs, MOSFET-Arrays(4 products)
Transîstors - Bipolar (BJT) - Yek(5 products)
TI-TIŞ'ê(1 products)
Thyristors - SCRs(1 products)
Isolators(107 products)
Optoisolators - Transistor, Photovoltaic Output(59 products)
Optoisolators - Output Logic(35 products)
Isolators - Drivers of Gate(13 products)